Eminence Swamp Thang.

Eminence describe the Swamp Thang driver as a thick and chunky 12" American guitar speaker with big bottom end.

The Swamp Thang tone is very powerful, thick and chunky and very touch-sensitive with good sustain. The awesome bottom end will hold up to even the most demanding drop-tune or 7 string players. 

This Eminence guitar speaker has been developed for the guitarist that plays a very American tone suited for Blues, Rock, and Jazz.


Below are recordings of both cabinet variations. All recordings were done live through the amp set to a ‘neutral ’ 12 o’clock dial setup. The first ‘chord progression licks’ were played on a Gretch G5420t and the second ‘blues style licks’ were played on a PRS SE Custom 24. Both guitars were set to the same tone setups each time using both pickups and again, ‘neutral’ guitar dial setups.

The live recordings were recorded through two microphones. One SM57 close to the cone and a vintage Cadenza ribbon microphone sat 40cm from the cabinet. We have supplied each recording to give you a wider scope and understanding of how each speaker can sound and perform.

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Eminence Cannabis Rex
