Jensen P12Q

The P12Q has a very warm, mid-focused bite with clear, bright highs. It runs an Alnico magnet for that rich vintage tone as well as making it very light weight for a 12" speaker.  

It's a warm speaker, rounded and vocal with smooth highs. It has a relatively early breakup as well as low sensitivity, so this means it is not as loud as some other speakers at the same volume setting. This gives it just enough grit for getting down and dirty without blowing the windows out. It is perfect at low to mid volume levels for those of us who play at home a lot.

When presented with overdrive distortion the P12Q remains well-balanced.

We think it is one of the best speakers for playing the Blues.


Below are recordings of both cabinet variations. All recordings were done live through the amp set to a ‘neutral ’ 12 o’clock dial setup. The first ‘chord progression licks’ were played on a Gretch G5420t and the second ‘blues style licks’ were played on a PRS SE Custom 24. Both guitars were set to the same tone setups each time using both pickups and again, ‘neutral’ guitar dial setups.

The live recordings were recorded through two microphones. One SM57 close to the cone and a vintage Cadenza ribbon microphone sat 40cm from the cabinet. We have supplied each recording to give you a wider scope and understanding of how each speaker can sound and perform.

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Tone Tubby Purple Haze